Christopher S. Koper

Christopher S. Koper is the Director of Research for the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), a police membership and research organization based in Washington, D.C. He holds a Ph.D. in criminology and criminal justice from the University of Maryland and has over 20 years of experience conducting criminological research at PERF, the University of Pennsylvania, the Urban Institute, the RAND Corporation, the Police Foundation, and other organizations, where he has written and published extensively on issues relating to firearms, policing, research methods, federal crime prevention efforts, juvenile delinquency, and other topics. Dr. Koper is also a research associate of the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy at George Mason University and a former scholar-in-residence of the Firearm and Injury Center at Penn (a center of the University of Pennsylvania Health System).

Previously a research criminologist at the University of Pennsylvania's Jerry Lee Center of Criminology and the Firearm and Injury Center, Koper specialized in research pertaining to firearms and gun violence, policing, research and statistical methodology, and white-collar crime.[1] Koper has also evaluated federal laws and programs, including the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, and the Community Oriented Policing Services(COPS) program.[2]

Koper has also worked at the Urban Institute, the Crime Control Institute, the National Institute of Justice, the Police Foundation, and at the University of Maryland.



  1. ^ "Christopher S. Koper". Jerry Lee Center of Criminology. Archived from the original on 2010-12-15. 
  2. ^ "Christopher S. Koper (CV)". Jerry Lee Center of Criminology. Archived from the original on 2010-12-15.